"To inspire them to realize more and more of their capacities for living meaningful lives. Because there certainly is meaning to life."
-John Coltrane on Uplifting Others

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Redesigning and Re-Tooling this Blog... and Life

Hey all,
My name's Mike and this is a "new," old blog. I originally began this blog for an information class last semester, so if you scroll through my older posts, you'll find class projects and musings about using technology in the classroom. Now, with the advent of this Digital Civilization course, I've taken it upon myself to not only redefine this blog, but to shift my own learning paradigms.
I expect to stretch myself with this class. In fact, while looking over Google reader today, I found an new challenge for students involving blogging. While some may say I've taken the easy way out by using an older blog, I signed up for this ten week challenge to improve my blogging skills and increase my PLN (personal learning network). I feel good about this decision; I just hope some of you will join me in this venture.

Mike Lemon


  1. Mike--
    I think picking up from an ed-tech oriented blog is perfect for Digital Civilization. You use Google Reader? This is something we need to teach to people. Would you like to do that in class? And could you keep us informed on that ten week challenge? I'm sure there would be things the other students could learn from that. Very cool. One of the concepts we also wanted to cover is the PLN. If you wanted to do an introduction to that or to the Google Reader it would be something great to start our semester off with. Let me know. I'll be reading your blog!

  2. Hey, I am in Digital Civilization also and I definitely could use help with the blogging aspect of the class. The blog challenge thing seems pretty interesting. Do you know where I could find more info on the past challenges so I could get a better feel for what it would be like?

  3. Dalton, if you click on the link that I provided in the blog post, it will lead you to a website full of information. Sorry I don't know anything about past challenges.

  4. The class is a fun concept huh! I'm doing the same as you changing up a preexisting blog. I figure if I'm going to keep going with my blog, I might as well make it permanent, and have something to continue on after the class ends.

  5. G'day Mike and Dalton,
    Thanks for joining the student blogging challenge. Most students are in their early teens but there are some who are in the older age groups. I hope you enjoy the challenges and make new friends by reading and commenting on other blogs from students around the world.

    PS As most young students don't have a Google account, could you add Name/URL to your choices for profile when leaving a comment?

  6. Nice picture! Do you know where it was taken?

  7. Mike, your blog is fantastic! I'm an English teaching major, also, and I'm also interested in technology in the classroom. I actually posted on one of your earlier posts (http://mrlemonscorner.blogspot.com/2010/04/thoughts-of-iic-finalists-and-social.html) but I think my comments have relevance to your entire blog.
